Library Cross ∞ ~Introduction~


Once the book is completed, what awaits you is ——

Library Cross ∞ (ライブラリークロスインフィニット) is a mobile game in development by Otomate in collaboration with Wright Flyer Studios, and is slated for a 2017 release. In addition to the game’s original characters, characters and the worlds from 5 of Otomate’s previous games will also be making an appearance. (Hakuouki, AMNESIA, NORN9, Moujuu-tsukai to Ohime-sama, Yunohana SpRING!)

Character designs are by miko (Code:Realize), RiRi (Binary Star,Yunohana SpRING!)),  and 藤 理ト (no clue who is this lmao sorry!!!!).

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🌸 Otomate Party 2015 Announcements 🌸

※ Please scroll to the bottom (after the ‘related posts’ section) to go to the next page!!!!!

Hello!!!! Sorry I was dead for so long I spent my entire summer doing nothing but eating wwww I’m back now though!!

This year’s Otomate Party has come and gone again (cries there was a clock zero segment aaaaAAA) and a whole lot of new games have been announced!!!! I’ve actually seen quite a few posts about these games already but none that were too detailed, especially since the PVs came out//// These are more like announcement videos than PVs though so all the games just have bits and pieces of information floating about I’ll try to update this post as more stuff is released ><"

I've written out a translation for basically everything useful the videos give us (yes even the dramatic line the main guy says at the end of each one ww) hopefully it's helpful~ (^-^*)

There are two pages for new releases and one page for other stuff!! (FDs, ports, etc.) There's also a little section at the bottom of each page where I just ramble\o/

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